A toaster oven can often be the life saver of the kitchen. It’s a lot more energy efficient than your regular oven and microwave. It has the ability to make the perfect toasted bread and can give you any desired level of “crisp” to whatever food your cooking. Depending on the size of your toaster oven, you can even employ this magical kitchen accessory to bake your favorite pizza. Toaster ovens can brown meringue on a pie, bake bread or cupcakes, or roast your favorite cut of meat. The other great feature is you can put aluminum foil in them, which you can’t do with a microwave. It’s incredibly versatile. They are a great addition to any kitchen.There is a lot of help online if you would like to find the best toaster oven for your home.

Over time, after cooking a bunch of your favorite garlic bread, reheating slices of pizza and other leftovers, and baking your homemade chicken fingers, you’ll notice an accumulation of grease and crumbs all over the outside and inside of your toaster oven. After a while, the grease will become quite difficult to wipe away. The crumbs will cook and burn in the grease and any corners that they may get stuck in. Eventually, you’ll be gearing up to give your toaster oven a thorough cleaning. It may seem daunting at first glance. But it really is no more difficult than cleaning any of your other appliances. Here’s a step by step guide on how to clean your toaster oven quickly and efficiently.
How To Clean Your Toaster Oven
• Unplug your toaster oven.
• Lay down a towel or cover your working surface with paper towels to make clean up quick and easy.
• Any removable part can be easily soaked in warm water with dish soap.
• For really tough grease you can sprinkle baking soda over the grease, spray with a small amount of vinegar, and let it sit for a few hours. Then use a green scrub pad to scrub away the grease.
• **DO NOT USE AN OVEN CLEANER TO CLEAN YOUR TOASTER OVEN. Most toaster ovens are made of aluminum and oven cleaners will chemically damage any aluminum surface.
• Once your removable parts are no longer in the toaster oven, wipe away all loose crumbs from the door and inside of the toaster oven.
• Use a wash cloth with warm water and a small amount of dish soap.
• Mix baking soda with water in a bowl to create a thick paste.
• Apply the paste to the inside of the toaster oven, on the door, and any other surface that has an accumulation of baked on grease.
• Baking soda is a mild abrasive and will help to scrub away the baked on grease without scratching or damaging the aluminum surface of your toaster oven.
• If your grease situation is really bad, you will want to let the baking soda paste sit for a few minutes.
• Using a moistened green scrub pad, scrub down all of the baking soda covered surfaces, until all of the grease is removed.
• If you’re still having trouble getting the grease to scrub loose, you can try using a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser instead of the green scrub pad.
• Apply more of the baking soda paste if necessary.
• Spray vinegar over the area for the most stubborn grease, and continue scrubbing.
• Once all surfaces have been scrubbed, and the grease has been lifted, wipe down all surfaces of your toaster oven with a warm and soapy wash cloth.
• Be sure to remove any and all baking soda and loosened grease particles.
• Allow your toaster oven to air dry completely before resuming use.
Once you are finished cleaning your toaster oven, it will look brand new! To avoid heavily baked on grease in the future, you can lay a sheet of aluminum foil on the bottom of your toaster oven. This will catch all of the cheeses, grease, crumbs, fillings, or any other fallen foods. This sheet can then easily be removed and replaced the next time you suit up to clean your toaster oven, and will make the process substantially easier.
Once you recognize all of the ways that you can employ your toaster oven, it opens up a world of baking and cooking options. It may even cultivate some curiosity, leading you to try variety of new meals. It’s efficiency and versatility can’t be beat. And once you know how to clean your toaster oven, you’ll feel more comfortable using it in new and exciting ways.