Ok, now that you have laid your hands on the Instant Pot multi-cooker, you are considering what accessories you need for this incredible kitchen appliance. Some of your family/friends are suggesting stackable pans, while others want you to invest in the Bundt pan, and all this is probably confusing you.
Well, first of all, you need to sort out what accessories are actually going to prove helpful and which of these accessories will only be a waste of money. To help you out, here’s a look at those Instant Pot accessories that you can actually put to use on a regular basis.
Accessories To Consider For Your Instant Pot:
The following accessories will help you add to the functionality of your Instant Pot. With these accessories you can experiment with your cooking skills using the Instant Pot, and make the most of this exclusive kitchen appliance:
- Additional Silicone Ring – The lid on the Instant Pot itself happens to be a silicone ring, but you can always consider getting another one. This is because the additional silicone ring will serve as a backup in case the lid degrades, and can also be kept separately for cooking savory or mild dishes while the lid (also a silicone ring) is used for cooking odorous foods such as beans, beets, and cumin. In this way, you can prevent the smell of odorous foods from affecting your savory or mild preparations (in the Instant Pot).
- Additional Insert Pot – While you already get an insert pot when purchasing an Instant Pot, investing in another stainless steel based insert pot will surely come in handy. Having 2 instead of 1 insert pot can prove beneficial in the following ways:
- You have the chance to swap one insert pot with another when planning to cook several dishes.
- You have the advantage of leaving one insert pot inside the refrigerator with leftovers in it while putting another one to use the next day.
- You can allow one pot to be used for preparing yogurt, while the other is being used for cooking meals.
- A Glass Lid – You can use a glass lid to expand the functions of the Instant Pot such as sautéing or slow cooking. Using a glass lid will allow you to see how the cooking is going on inside the Instant Pot in case you need to attend to the meal being prepared. Having a glass lid will also prove helpful in storing the leftovers inside an insert pot in your refrigerator, especially if you don’t have any lid (from other pots), which can fit properly on your insert pot.
A Steamer Basket – For those of you who consume boiled eggs on a regular basis, a steamer basket is a good, cost-effective investment for your Instant Pot. A steamer basket can also work efficiently in steaming vegetables as well as keeping other foods from getting stuck to the bottom part of an Instant Pot. Culinary experts recommend using a steamer basket for preparing broth in an Instant Pot. This way you can keep the bones inside the basket, ensuring easy straining once the broth is ready.
- Steamer Pans (Stackable) – Stackable pans are highly efficient in reheating leftovers inside the Instant Pot. Place the main dish or meat inside one pan, along with the sides in another pan, and then lock up the stack and put it inside the Instant Pot. Allow the foods to cook inside the Instant Pot for as long as 5 minutes (high pressure). In this way, you get to reheat your leftovers properly.
- Gripper Clips – These clips are extremely handy as their design allows them to lift things from an Instant Pot very easily and conveniently. The gripper clip handles come with silicone based coating, which allows you to lift up hot items comfortably without injuring yourself.
- Cake Pan (Springform) – You can use a 6-inch cake pan to bake delicious cheesecakes in an Instant Pot. Make sure you invest in a springform pan (cake) that comes with a glass base and outer ring made from silicone. Such accessories are easily available online as well as offline, and are highly durable and easily cleaned.
Final Thoughts
There are other accessories available, but these are a good place to start. The Instant Pot, like other modern electric pressure cookers, are quite versatile so have fun pushing the appliance as far as you can.
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